Hi and welcome to my repoHive!
I’m LouisCyfer, creator, developer and maintainer of this page and more (hopefully helpful) stuff.
If you wonder “What is this ’ThinkOutsideTheCubicle’ organisation?” then that’s simple.
It’s me and DariaLapin releasing stuff for fun, not beeing associated somewhere, basicially in a private scale.
We also have a blog on wordpress.com where we are writing, you can comment there too.
Note: our repositories moved over to GitLab!
The following list below contains a collection of all current projects from me and teamwork with others, indending this page to be an indexing page.
- ThinkOutsideTheCubicle team projects
- SLM Browser search things in the Second Life® Marketplace
- Path-of-Mine 2D game - WIP (in development)
- FasterWords based on the german game “Stadt, Land, Fluss” (City, Country, River) and is (yet) WIP.
- modifications for games (mods)
- Kerbal Space Program:
- KSP-funTweaks contains experimental tweak cfg’s for KSP .. use them with caution!
- snacks-recyclers optional recycler-configs for Snacks!
- Minetest:
- nodeinfo adds a simple info hud for nodes
- Second Life:
- LSL-scripts collection of some scripts
- Kerbal Space Program:
- other stuff
- snippets mostly codesnippets written for Linux/Ubuntu
Thats all folks! Feedback, support and opinions are always welcome!